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 +1 (850) 220-4925

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 +1 (850) 220-4925

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Every business owner's greatest desire is to have customers come to his or her business.

We create a complete marketing automation and customer acquisition system for your business.

We help you automate your customer acquisition processes through a proven and effective system for automated and digital marketing.

Remember that a business must have:

Contained in

Social Networking

Sales Funnels

Advertising in

Facebook and Instagram

Email Marketing


All this as a complete strategy for your business.


Take control of your business success and optimize your results.

Find out how we can help your business grow with confidence online.

Social Media Content: It will give you online presence and authority.

The purpose of social networks is to create communities.

It is therefore a primary source of customer acquisition.

Most of them think it's just about creating eye-catching content, but what they don't know is the efforts behind effective digital media marketing.

And it is that many of the errors, fall on:

-Lack ofrecognition of a target audience.

-Lack ofinterrelated digital marketing strategies.

-Lack of purposeful content for a specific audience.

-Lack of content planning.

-Lack of automation of content distribution in the different digital media in an automatic way.

We build the foundation of your brand on Facebook and/or Instagram, focusing on:


-Astrategy according to your business

-Contentaccording to your business

-Attractive content, value, business and sales.

-Automationof the strategy provided

-We promotethe identity of your business in Social Networks.

Sales Funnels: We help you to create sales funnels focused on one offer.

Sales funnels are a way to create value offers that identify an interested target audience.

To progressively convert through the different levels of the funnel.

And that concludes in an effective but more natural sale with the customer and that is not forced.

All this thanks to the presence, authority and above all the irresistibility of the brand with the public reached through advertising that bring flow to the same Sales Funnels.

We help you attract customers in a subtle, non-invasive way through value.

In this way, visitors become leads, which will later become potential customers who will see the opportunity, so that in the end the sale of your product or service is generated.

Facebook and Instagram advertising: We help you reach millions of ideal customers for your business, providing brand recognition, positioning and authority.

Facebook and Instagram advertising is magic.

Although it sounds illogical, it is.

We must recognize that Facebook is the platform where the largest number of people in the world can be found.

Being the most strategic social network to develop and grow business, and as a bonus we have Instagram which is part of Facebook.

One of the important features is that through these two social networks, you can reach many people, both for brand recognition and for the sale of your product or service.

In addition, the effectiveness and results of the ads can be evaluated in depth to improve details and achieve more successful campaigns.

We help you create effective advertising through digital strategies and analytics.

Email Marketing: Perfect for following up with infinite contact lists through value and direct offer.

Email Marketing is so powerful that we can have a list of contacts and convert them into customers through value, follow up and sales.

If you want an effective email marketing strategy, it must be complemented with the right value and follow-up strategy, as well as inviting to different events, webinars, ebooks and consultancies.

We can help you include that marketing strategy in your business.

Automation: We integrate tools into your business to replace manual processes with automated processes for more effective marketing.

Automation is synonymous with organization, more sales and above all peace of mind for you, because customers come to you on their own.

In short, it is to make your job easier.

To automate marketing is to connect different channels and processes effectively.

That is, all the tools, software and APIs help you connect all the parts so that you don't have to do the marketing processes manually.

As a result, you get an automated customer acquisition marketing system.

We can automate all your marketing so you only have to worry about talking to leads that are constantly coming to you.

Take the weight off your shoulders and start enjoying your results.


The most effective strategy and tool to scale your business worldwide.

30N Gould St STE R, Sheridan WY 82801

United States

Phone: +1 (850) 220-4925




Copyright Automatik Digital Inc 2022. All rights reserved


The most effective strategy and tool to scale your business globally.

Our Offices: 

Wyoming, United States

San José, Costa Rica
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

Phone: +1 (850) 220-4925




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Copyright Automatik Digital Inc 2024. All Rights Reserved


The most effective strategy and tool to scale your business worldwide.

30N Gould St STE R, Sheridan WY 82801

United States

Phone: +1 (850) 220-4925




Copyright Automatik Digital Inc 2022. All rights reserved

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