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Automatik Digital

Privacy Policy

We treat your privacy seriously. All personal information is treated as strictly confidential, both Automatik Digital and its affiliates. It will never be sold, exchanged or transferred to a Third Party, without your express permission.

This section details what information Automatik Digital collects, why it is collected and how this information may be used.

Collection of information. In order to use some aspects of this website, Automatik Digital may ask you to provide a certain amount of information. This includes information necessary to create an ID (such as your name and email address) and preference information (like/dislike), as well as information about your business activities (as provided by the customer).

We use this information to provide you with a better online service or experience.

To better understand how our customers use this site, we also collect and analyze aggregate information about the users of our site. This includes, but is not limited to, such things as what time of day they visit the site, what browser they use and what pages they visit.

No personal or other information that could be used to identify you is included in this analysis.

Automatik Digital logs all activity and maintains audit trails of the use of this site. We use this information in the detection and prevention of fraud and other malicious activity.

Automatik Digital will not send "spam" or unsolicited e-mails or SMS, nor will Automatik Digital provide your data to a third party, unless you have given us permission to do so.

Use of your information. The personal information collected is used for the purposes for which you have provided it, and may be further used for legal or other legitimate purposes only. For example, if you use our service contact form on our website, we will use the information you provided in the first place to respond to your service request. We may use that information to improve the quality of service we provide in our customer service process.

Lawfulness of processing is one of the fundamental principles related to the use of your personal information - we apply the following legal grounds for processing:

- the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract, or to take steps before entering into a contract;

- the processing is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests, for example, to improve the quality of our products and services;

- the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, or is otherwise lawful under applicable data protection laws;with your consent given.

Depending on how you interact with us and the service, we may use your personal information for the following purposes:

To administer our relationship with you or our business, such as providing and managing your access to and use of our Services. This processing is necessary for the performance of a contract;

Improving our Services and developing new products, such as inviting you to participate in our surveys to personalize your experience with our Services. This processing is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests.

Marketing, such as providing you with marketing communications or advertising that we believe may be of interest to you. This processing is done with your consent or for our legitimate interests;

Recruitment, such as evaluating job applicants. This processing is to take action prior to entering into a contract or with your consent;

Providing online communities, such as making chat rooms, forums, message boards or newsgroups available to you. This processing is necessary for the performance of a contract or our legitimate interests. Remember that any information disclosed in these forums is public. We recommend that you exercise caution when disclosing personal information in these forums, as this information is available to other users. Do not provide information in these public forums that may be considered confidential or proprietary or that you do not want to be publicly available or that you are prohibited from disclosing.

Other general business support purposes, including, but not limited to, procurement, financial and tax management and external reporting. This processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, or is otherwise lawful under applicable data protection laws or for our legitimate interests.

Retention of your information. Your personal information will be processed to the extent necessary for the performance of our obligations, and for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes for which the information is collected, in accordance with our retention of data policies and applicable data protection laws. When we no longer need your personal information, we will take all reasonable steps to remove it from our systems and records by taking steps to properly anonymize it so that it can no longer be identified.

Protecting your information. We have implemented an internal framework of policies and minimum standards throughout our company to keep your data secure. In addition, we limit access to personal information of our employees, business partners, service providers and third-party service providers on a "need to know" basis. More specifically and in accordance with the law, we take appropriate technical and organizational measures (policies and procedures, IT security and others) to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your personal information and how it is processed.

Electronic and Telephone Communications. When you register your interest, download a free report, call or complete an online inquiry in any way on this website, we will retain this information for the purpose of responding to your inquiry and communicating with you. You may update this information at any time or opt out of receiving further marketing communications.

If you become a customer of Automatik Digital, we will need to continue to contact you for development, progress or performance related matters. You consent to this communication as an active customer of our business.

If you access Automatik Digital Inc's website (as defined in our Terms of Use), you agree to be bound by the terms contained in this legal message. When you visit our website or send e-mails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically. We will do this by communicating with you by email or by posting notices on our website(s). You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications we provide to you will be in electronic form, any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

When you communicate with us regarding our Services, your communication with us may be recorded for training and quality purposes. Your communication with us will be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings.

Web browser cookies. Our website may use "cookies" to enhance the user experience. Your web browser may place cookies on your hard drive for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about them. You can choose to set your web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If you do so, please note that some parts of the website may not function properly.

Privacy Breach Complaints. If you have any concerns about how we handle and use your personal information, or are concerned that the relevant privacy legislation in this Privacy Policy has been violated, please contact Automatik Digital immediately.

Contacting Us. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact us at:

Automatik Digital Corporation

Last Update

These terms were last updated in January 2024.


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30N Gould St STE R, Sheridan WY 82801

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Phone: +1 (850) 220-4925




Copyright Automatik Digital Inc 2022. All rights reserved


The most effective strategy and tool to scale your business globally.

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Phone: +1 (850) 220-4925




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Copyright Automatik Digital Inc 2024. All Rights Reserved


The most effective strategy and tool to scale your business worldwide.

30N Gould St STE R, Sheridan WY 82801

United States

Phone: +1 (850) 220-4925




Copyright Automatik Digital Inc 2022. All rights reserved

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